Optimization of Native Natural Coagulants for Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters

IJEP 45(1): 64-76 : Vol. 45 Issue. 1 (January 2025)

Swathi Dash, Aman Raj and Saritha Vara*

Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM) (Deemed to be University), Department of Environmental Science, GITAM School of Science, Visakhapatnam – 530 045, Andhra Pradesh, India


Variations in characteristics of industrial effluents from industry to industry are posing a greater menace to the environment as well as exerting complex challenges to researchers and scientists in designing and executing their effective treatment. In the contemporary world, the need for eco-friendly and resource-effective solutions has become the need of the hour. One such method, coagulation, generally carried out using synthetic chemicals, was adopted over several decades owing to its efficient removal of colloids and also being cost-effective. However, owing to the concerns associated with synthetic chemicals, such as residues in treated water, effects on the environment and humans, cost, etc., alternatives that can overcome these problems without compromising the treatment efficiency are searched by researchers across the globe. The search was fruitful in finding natural coagulants that not only overcome the above-mentioned concerns but are also available locally, marking their use towards sustainability. Several researchers have explored, evaluated and reported the efficiency of a few natural coagulants in treating industrial wastewater. Nevertheless, natural coagulants come with their own set of limitations and they have not been investigated for a wide variety of industries both at small/bench scale and large scale. The current work presents screening and evaluation of selected natural coagulants’ application in treating industrial wastewater with comparison against chemical coagulants. A conventional Jar test apparatus was employed for all coagulation studies. Results revealed 95% of turbidity removal, 80% colour removal and 65% removal of total dissolved solids. The removal of other chemical parameters was modest. The study also revealed that increase in pH towards higher alkaline conditions in industrial effluents has reduced the removal efficiency by natural coagulants. The sludge obtained had good dewaterability and settleability. The study suggests that natural coagulants are a beneficial solution for sustainable solutions and further research can focus on identifying and evaluating the large-scale commercial application.


Coagulation, Sludge, Natural coagulants, Jar test apparatus


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