Authors Guidelines

The Indian Journal of Environmental Protection publishes articles on all aspects of environmental  pollution and its control under the following broad categories :

(1) Air pollution/ Noise pollution,

(2) Waste water/industrial effluent

(3) Ground water/surface water pollution

(4) Soil pollution

(5) Waste management

(6) Sustainable development

(7) Green technology

Paper submission : Paper should be uploaded on the website by the author alongwith cover and declaration letter. Once submitted, extensive changes in the paper by the author will not be entertained. The article should be properly checked before sending for publication in order to avoid any typing mistakes. The article which is directly sent by the research scholar will not be entertained. The paper should have atleast 3500 words and more than 5 authors are not allowed.

Cover Letter : It includes brief overview of the work submitted by the author and contact information of the corresponding and contacting author (full name and e-mail address) alongwith postal address of the corresponding author. The letter should also state the number of figures and tables mentioned in the paper.

Declaration Letter : It states that the paper submitted is original and is not submitted elsewhere for publication. It should also contain that the paper is not previously published in any other journal. The letter should be duly signed by all author(s) of the manuscript.

Format of Manuscript : It should be in MS-Word file format with font ‘Times New Roman’ and size ‘10’. The entire manuscript should be in one column. The entire paper should be justified with line spacing of 1.5. The left and right margin and top and bottom margin should be 1. The main author of the paper, who sends the paper, will receive one hard copy of the issue in which his paper will be published along with the soft copy of the published paper, word limit  3500-5000, if it exceeds this, extra charges will be levied.

The text of the article should be written under 8 main headings :

  • Abstract, 
  • Keyword, 
  • Introduction,
  • Material and method, 
  • Result and discussion, 
  • Conclusion, 
  • Nomenclature

These main headings may have sub-headings and sub-sub-headings.

Language : The paper should be written in English. Use of abbreviations must be avoided. Instead of using ‘i.e.’, ‘eg.’, ‘viz.’, use full forms like ‘that is’, ‘for example’, ‘namely’, ‘respectively’. Do not use unnecessary capital letters, italic or bold anywhere.

Title : The font size of the title should be 16 and written in bold. Below the title, the name(s) of all author(s) with the organization(s) should be mentioned (in italic). The paper should not contain more than 5 authors.

Abstract : It should not be more than 200 words. It should be written in bold. The abstract should clearly state the hypothesis or novel approaches and new insights made in the work conducted.

Main-headings : These should be typed in all bold capital letters.

Sub-headings : These should be typed in all bold small letters.

Sub-sub-headings : These should be typed in all bold small letters as sub-headings. But just after this, a colon should be used and start the sentence in continuation.

Number : All numbers in figures, tables and in the text should be Arabic numerals. Avoid writing any number in words. Duly mention all figures & tables in the text of manuscript.

Unit : S.I. units should be used. All units should be written in the singular form and full-stop will not be given at the end of any unit. Use the following abbreviations for the units.

cm, m, m2, m3, T, kg, g, mg, mg, kg/m3, sec, min, hr, day, year, m/min, cm/sec, Mw, amp, volt, ppb, ppm, %, L, mL, acre, gallon, etc.

Figures : Figures should be drawn in black and white or coloured in jpg/jpeg format. The border should be given in the figure. It should be of a suitable size with 300-600 dpi (dots per inch) resolution. Captions should be mentioned at the bottom of the figure with font size 8. It should be numbered as it is used in the text. Figures/ graphs data should be sent in an Excel sheet.

Tables : The table should be in tabular form and numbered in the order in which they are used in the text. Captions should be given at the top with font size 8. Footnotes can be included below the table.

Reference : In the text, reference should be mentioned in numeric format. In the reference section, it should be arranged in the same order as it appears in the text. If the authors are more than 3 then the name of the first author should be written followed by ‘et al.’, in italic. Examples: Jha, 1999; Jha and Tewari, 2001; Jha et al., 2002.

In the text : Always mention references at the end of the sentence with reference number in square bracket.

From Journal : Author(s) name. year of publication. Title of manuscript. Journal name (Abbreviation in Italic). Volume Number (Issue number): page number.

  • Tewari, R.P. 2003. Air pollution control in textile industry. Indian J. Env. Prot., 23(2): 126-127.
  • Tewari, R.P. and C.N. Singh. 2002. Water pollution control-An introduction. Indian J. Env. Prot., 22(5): 481-485.
  • Tewari, R.P., C.N. Singh and G. Jha. 2003. Noise pollution. Indian J. Env. Prot., 23(1): 1-8.
  • Tewari, R.P., et al.  Groundwater pollution. Indian J. Env. Prot., 21(1): 20-24.

From Seminar :

  • Srivastava, K.N. and O.P. Ojha. 2002. Wastewater treatment in dye industries. International Seminar on pollution in dye industry. New Delhi. Proceedings, pp 181-185.

From Book : Author(s) name. year of publication. Title of manuscript. In Book name, Ed Editor(s) name. Publication house name and place. Page number of article.

  • Datta, R., P. Singh and G. Kumar. 2003. Air pollution from automobiles. In Air pollution control (3rd edn, vol 2). Ed P. Saxena and P.K. Rai. McGraw-Hill, New York. pp 345-362.

From Report :

  • EPA Report. 2003. Stack gas desulphurization for thermal power plant. EPA-600/R-95-015. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, N.C., U.S.A.

From Thesis:

  • Srivastava, P.K. 2002. Limestone dissolution in modelling of slurry scrubbing for flue gas desulphurization. ph.D.Thesis. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
  • Tewari, J.K. 2001. Chromium removal from the tannery. M.Tech. Dissertation. Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.

Abbreviation to be used under reference heading :

  • (in, of, and – should be omitted from Journal name)
  • Agriculture–Agric., Applied-Appl., Assessment–Assess., Association–Assoc., Atmosphere/Atmospheric Atmos.
  • Bioengineering­–Bioeng., Biology–Biol., Biotechnology–Biotech., Bulletin–Bull.
  • Chemical/Chemistry–Chem., Conservation–Conser., Contamination–Contam., Control–Cont.
  • Development–Develop.
  • Ecobiology–Ecobiol., Ecology–Ecol., Engineer/Engineers–Engr., Engineering–Eng., Environment/Environmental–Env.
  • Federation–Fed., Fermentation–Fermen.
  • Geology–Geol.
  • Industry/Industrial–Ind., Institute/Institution–Inst., International–Int.
  • Journal–J.             
  • Management–Manage., Microbiology­–Microbiol., Modelling–Model.
  • Nutrition–Nutr.
  • Pesticide–Pest., Physiology–Physiol., Pollution–Poll., Progress–Progr., Protection–Prot.
  • Quality–Qual.
  • Report–Rep., Research–Res., Resource–Resour.
  • Science–Sci., Society–Soc.
  • Technology–Tech.

Plagiarism report :

Turnitin report with overall similarity index not exceeding 16% and similarity for each source not exceeding 5% for any reference.

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