Heavy Metal Assessment As An Indicator Of Environmental Pollution

IJEP 41(10): 1171-1176 : Vol. 41 Issue. 10 (October 2021)

T.S.R. Umamageswari*

PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Chemistry, Dindigul – 624 622, Tamil Nadu, India


The study was carried out to analyze the heavy metal contamination in the groundwater of Tirunelveli district, Tamil Nadu. To get the extend of heavy metals contamination, water samples were collected from eleven different locations in the study area and the concentrations of heavy metals, such as iron, zinc, copper, lead and cadmium were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). It is a well known fact that the heavy metal ions are potentially toxic to human health and could be quite detrimental for human life. Groundwater contamination by heavy metal was carried out using contamination factor, contamination degree, modified contamination degree, pollution load index, metal contamination index, enrichment factor and metal pollution index. Based on the above indices, it is shown that all heavy metals are present within the permissible limit and the study area is found to show very low degree of heavy metal pollution. It indicates the metals are entirely from crustal materials or natural processes.


Contamination factor, Contamination degree, Enrichment factor, Pollution load index, Metal contamination index, Tirunelveli district


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