Evaluation Of Biochemical And Nutritional Factors In Selected Green Leafy Vegetables Cultivated In Organic And Conventional Farming

IJEP 41(3): 267-271 : Vol. 41 Issue. 3 (March 2021)

Sangilimuthu Alagar Yadav*, P. Rajiv, M. Janani and P. Praveenkumar

Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Department of Biotechnology, Coimbatore – 641 021, Tamil Nadu, India    


The present study determined the comparative analysis of the biochemical and nutritional factors present in the vegetables cultivated in the both organic and conventional method of farming. Acid digestion method was used to digest the sample for detection of iron, chromium and zinc by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) analysis and nutritional factors, such as protein, carbohydrate, ascorbic acid and amino acids were estimated in the selected vegetables (Solanum melongena and Raphanus sativus). Elemental analysis shows that the iron content found to be high compared to the zinc in both vegetables in comparison to the organically cultivated vegetables having higher zinc and iron content. The biochemical compositions of Solanum melongena and Raphanus sativus both showed high content of protein (13.465 µg/100 µg), Solanum melongena alone showed high content of amino acid (24.732 µg/500 µg) in the conventional method, Raphanus sativus showed a high level of carbohydrate (328.924 µg/200 µg) in conventional and higher ascorbic acid (724.382 µg/500 µg) in organic cultivation. Finally, results showed that the organically cultivated vegetables contain more biochemical elements compared to the conventional method. Raphanus sativus contain more biochemical and nutritional elements compared to Solanum melongena due to the absorption of plant nutritional factors are high in root compared to fruits. Here we have taken rhizomatous parts of Raphanus sativus for analysis.


Raphanus sativus, Solanum melongena, Organic cultivation, Atomic absorption spectroscopy


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