IJEP 41(5): 584-589 : Vol. 41 Issue. 5 (May 2021)
Rajamehala*, S. Ganga Devi, M. Vijay Pradhap Singh, A. Shareena Begum and R. Sumaiya Sulthana
Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Department of Biotechnology, Elayampalayam-637 205, Tamil Nadu, India
The reduction of water resources due to the growing population in the ecosystem leads to an increase in the need for freshwater. Wastewater released from various industries contains many pollutants, like heavy metals which are hazardous not only for humans but also affects other species which makes the water unsuitable for use. Due to lack of water, we are in need for emerging methods to remove contaminants from wastewater to make it less hazardous. One such advanced method is a sorption method used to remove heavy metals in an effective manner. This article will briefly overview the different sorbents used for removing heavy metals and their capacities, advantages and disadvantages of their usage.
Wastewater, Heavy metals, Hazardous, Sorption method
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