Comparative Analysis Of Soil Quality Of Surface Mined Land In Allipura, Ballari District, Karnataka

IJEP 41(5): 596-600 : Vol. 41 Issue. 5 (May 2021)

R. Kulkarni*

 College of Non-Conventional Vocational Courses for Women Kolhapur – 416 004, Maharashtra, India


Agriculture and mining practices have been the earliest endeavours of humankind. It is the extraction of mineral wealth from the earth. An indiscriminate mining activity causes massive damage to land fertility and biological communities. The study was conducted to evaluate the soil quality and impact of surface mining activities on different physico-chemical parameters of soils of agricultural land in Allipura which is located outside Ballari town, Karnataka. During the present study, the sand composition was found to be high at study sites, 66% and 64%, respectively. The silt proportion was less than clay at both sites. The moisture content was high station II than station I whereas the bulk density did not vary in both sites. The other chemical parameters, such as pH (6.5 ±0.126), organic matter (2.8±0.346), phosphorus (3.53±0.30), calcium (1.14±0.188) and magnesium (0.37±0.092) were high at station II. The total nitrogen (0.17 ±0.011) and potassium (0.36 ±0.18) values were comparatively high in the station I than at station II. Soil analyses demonstrated that there is a distinct variation in the level of nutrient elements of the surface soil. The possible reasons and reclamation measures are discussed.


Surface mining, Soil texture, Soil moisture, Bulk density, Nutrients


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