Exposure Assessment Of Respirable Dust For Opencast Limestone Mine In India

IJEP 41(8): 900-905 : Vol. 41 Issue. 8 (August 2021)

Shivkumar Prajapati, Rahul Mishra and Balram Jhariya

National Institute of Miners Health (NIMH), Department of Occupational Hygiene, JNARDDC Campus, Wadi Nagpur – 440 023, Maharashtra, India


Respirable dust is harmful to human beings and can cause silicosis, bronchitis, respiratory problems especially miners all over the world depending upon their concentration, percentage of crystalline silica, nature of the respirable dust and exposure time. The objective of the paper is to assess the exposure of dust and crystalline silica generated during the opencast limestone mine as per the Director General Mining Safety (DGMS). Sidekick 51 MTX gravimetric dust sampler (GDS), UK, approved by Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS), was utilised for personal dust exposure assessment of limestone miners. The presence of crystalline silica was determined by FTIR using Opus software and followed the NIOSH-7602 methodology. A total of 54 airborne respirable dust samples (29 personal dust and 25 area dust samples) were collected from May 2016 to May 2018. It was observed that 8 hr time weighted average (TWA) concentration of airborne respirable dust at all sampled locations of opencast limestone mines were within the permissible limit (that is 3 mg/m3) as prescribed under Regulation 124 of Metalliferous Mines Regulation 1961. 31 dust samples analyzed for crystalline silica (SiO2) content were below 5% except for one sample near the hopper area was below the permissible limit.


Respirable dust, Crystalline silica, Limestone, Mine regulation


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