IJEP 42(11): 1353-1360 : Vol. 42 Issue. 11 (November 2022)
H.N. Rajakumara1* and A. Jayaram2
1. BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Department of Civil Engineering, Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560 064, India
2. Bangalore International Airport Limited, Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560 300, India
This study aims to monitor and assess noise levels in and surrounding environment as a result of the operation of Bengaluru’s Kempegowda International Airport and suggest effective mitigation techniques. The level of noise at the location of retrieved results was measured and recorded during the day and night using automated noise monitoring stations located in Saddahalli, Channahalli, Mallenahalli and Reddihalli villages. It signifies that all of the areas occur in excess of a threshold noise level, which is 55 dB(A) for residential zones and 75 dB(A) for airports, according to noise standards. From the study it is observed that over 15,000 aircraft are operating every month and 430 aircraft moving on average in a day. The noise levels of aircraft movements are under the range of 70-75 dB(A) most of the time and some events exceed threshold limit at an average for the month of January. noise recorded at Saddahalli was 66.7 dB(A); Channahalli village was 63.5 dB(A); Mallenahalli village was 64.1 dB(A) and Reddihalli village was 69.8 dB(A). The maximum noise recorded was 69.8 dB(A), which is slightly harmful to human ears and causing disturbances in and around airport (KIA). Airport authority has taken action on avoiding noise pollution due to aircraft movements using latest aircraft technologies and also planning of infrastructure development which results in lesser noise pollution.
Airport, Aircraft, Noise equivalent levels, Noise measurement, Noise pollution, Noise threshold
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