IJEP 42(14): 1694-1700 : Vol. 42 Issue. 14 (Conference 2022)
Iva Yenis Septiariva1, Wayan Koko Suryawan2*, A. Sarwono2, M. Sari2 and S. Suhardono3
1. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, Study Programme of Civil Engineering, Surakarta, Indonesia
2. Universitas Pertamina, Komplek Universitas Pertamina, Faculty of Infrastructure Planning, Department of Environmental Engineering, DKI Jakarta, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
3. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Surakarta, Indonesia
During the rainy season, wood debris frequently appears on the surface water. Wood debris in coastal areas is one of the wastes that takes years to naturally degrade. This study aimed to determine the process of managing wood debris in coastal areas and its characteristics as biomass pellets. This research was conducted by field survey in two coastal areas in the southern region of Bali island, Indonesia. Data collection on the generation and composition of wood debris was carried out using the transect method on a 1×1 m with 3-4 repetitions. The measurement of wood debris generation shows that 82-83.6% (w/w) of marine debris in coastal areas consists of wood debris with a generation rate of 6.75-8.37 kg/m3.day of the total wood debris accumulated in coastal areas. Marine debris of 27% was improperly collected, thus forming illegal dumping. Furthermore, 19% of wood debris was burned openly. From the data, wood debris had 28.4-31.3% moisture content and 31.4-41.2% cellulose content. The biomass content in wood debris can reach a higher calorific value (HHV) of 4391-4928 kcal/kg. The results of the thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that the amount of residue from the wood debris was 22.8% of the total mass (w/w) at 800°C.
Marine debris, Wood debris, Biomass pellets, Calorific value, Thermal
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