Heavy Metal Bioaccumulation and Air Pollution Tolerance Index of Selected Plant Species from Urban Area

IJEP 42(3): 259-272 : Vol. 42 Issue. 3 (March 2022)

Anjana Devkota* and Sarita Sapkota

Tribhuvan University, Central Department of Botany, Kirtipur – 44618, Kathmandu, Nepal


The study was conducted to evaluate metal accumulation index and air pollution tolerance index of five selected plant species, namely Buddleja asiatca, Ficus religiosa, Leucoseptrum canum, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis and Tecoma stans along roadside of Lalitpur district. The air pollution tolerance index (APTI) was calculated based on various biochemical parameters, namely total chlorophyll, leaf extract pH, ascorbic acid and relative water content. Total chlorophyll contents and leaf extract pH of leaves were affected adversely by dust pollution. These parameters of leaves seemed to decreased with increasing pollution levels. Ascorbic acid and relative water content of leaf samples were increased with increasing pollution levels to withstand stress caused by pollution. The plants varied in their metal accumulation and air pollution tolerance. Metal accumulation in plant species was higher in heavily polluted sites. According to average metal accumulation indices (MAIs), the studied plants was found in descending order Ficus religiosa (12.98) >Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (5.84) >Lecosceptrum canum (5.10) >T. stans (4.0) >B. asiatica (3.95) in leaf samples; while in bark samples MAI values were in order Ficus religiosa (38.69)>Lecosceptrum canum (16.18)>Buddleja asiatica (14.16)>Tecoma stans (7.45)>Nycatanthes arbor-tristis (6.33). The mean values of APTI within the city of Lalitpur district were as follows: B. asiatica (6.24); L. canum (8.32); N. arbor-tristis (8.46); T. stans (8.87) and F. religiosa (10.44). The study indicated relatively high metal accumulation and tolerance of Ficus religiosa emerged as the tolerant species with high MAI and APTI value. Hence, Ficus religiosa can be suggested for plantations along the roadside of urban areas for green belt development.


Ascorbic acid, Chlorophyll content, Metal accumulation index, Relative water content


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