GIS Based Study of Reclamation of Degraded Semi-Arid Soil: A Case Study from Rajasthan, India

IJEP 42(3): 302-315 : Vol. 42 Issue. 3 (March 2022)

Brototi Biswas1, Ashutosh Singh2, Praveen Kumar Rai3*, Jai Kumar4 and Sakshi Walker5

1. Mizoram University, Department of Geography and RM, Aizawl, Mizoram – 796 004, India
2. Mizoram University, Pachhunga University College, Department of Geography, Aizawl, Mizoram – 796 001, India
3. K.M.C. Language University, Department of Geography, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – 226 013, India
4. SHUATS, Centre for Geospatial Technologies, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh – 211 007, India
5. St. John’s College, Department of Botany, Agra, Uttar Pradesh – 282 002, India


Soil degradation takes place not only as a result of interaction between physico-chemical and biological factors comprising topography, soil properties and climatic features but also includes human factors and landuse management practices. Web GIS can be used in rural development administration for planning, monitoring and exchange of data. A study was conducted in Dungargarh tehsil and Churu district of Rajasthan, India to demonstrate the integration of village-level spatial and non-spatial data alongwith the preparation of thematic maps which would be linked to a biodiversity information system database. The region suffers from the acute environmental problems of soil erosion, shifting sand dunes and excessive soil salinity alongwith the economic problems of lack of livelihood options. In this study, the integration of village level spatial and non-spatial data was done, into a useful tool called biodiversity/plant diversity information system (BIS), for environmental resource identification for sustainable environment and livelihood options. Various environmental parameters, like landuse/land cover (LULC), distribution of natural vegetation, soil, water and climate were examined and suitable thematic maps were prepared with an aim of making a present environmental database and probable environmental management and conservation techniques according to the strength and lacuna of the region in a sustainable way for the economic and environmental resurgence of this backward region. The various thematic maps were utilized for demarcation of the mentioned problems and prospects. Further weighted index overlay method was adopted to identify the suitability of the target species for dealing with each of the environmental problems and medicinal gardening. The thematic maps and attribute data were integrated through ArcGIS 10.2 and then published on Web GIS platform through Arc GIS online in a dynamic interactive Web application for ready reference and use by others.


Biodiversity information system, Web GIS, weighted index overlay, remote sensing, soil salinity, Landuse land cover


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