IJEP 43(10): 947-952 : Vol. 43 Issue. 10 (October 2023)
Piyavadee Srivichai1*, Chumaporn Rodsrida2 and Supichaya Meesad3
1. University of Phayao, Programme in Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Phayao – 56000, Thailand
2. University of Phayao, Programme in Occupational Health and Safety, School of Public Health, Phayao – 56000, Thailand
3. Naresuan University, International Business Management, Naresuan University International College, Phitsanulok – 65000, Thailand
The smog crisis in Chiangrai occurred for more than 10 years and has continuously intensified. It covers a wide area and affects several parts: economics, environments, health and societies. Particulate matter of less than 10 microns (PM10) is an important pollutant from smog because of its deep penetration into the lungs and is very harmful to health. The government issued the prevention and mitigation methods based on the 4-area division (reserved and conservation forest, agricultural area, community area and roadside area) using 4-management measures (planning and command system, building awareness, reducing the volume of residual fuel and motivating the volunteers and setting the supportive funds). The multiple linear regression results show that meteorological variables (highest and lowest temperature) have significant associations with PM10 levels of both air monitoring stations (Muang station and Mae Sai station) in Chiangrai. But the rainfall volume has a non-significant effect on PM10 levels. However, it could help to maintain the PM10 trend at lower level. Lastly, the predicted model helps to forecast the PM10 level and severity which is useful for preparing the proper prevention and correction measures.
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