IJEP 43(12): 1059-1073 : Vol. 43 Issue. 12 (December 2023)
Pratibha Baghel, Aneesh Mathew* and Padala Raja Shekar
National Institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Tiruchirappalli – 620 015, Tamil Nadu, India
The transport sector is one of the major sources of air pollution. Vehicular traffic is considered the main source of air pollution and it has a huge impact on air quality as well. It is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, toxic pollutants and criteria pollutants, such as PM, SOx, NOx, etc., and is also responsible for the formation of ozone. The current regime of vehicle technology, fuel standards and the high growth rate of private vehicles is, likely to nullify all the past emissions reductions by the end of the century. In developing nations, like India, there is substantial growth in the vehicular population. It is necessary to address the environmental impacts of the transportation sector. For this purpose, monitoring of vehicular emissions is done in studies using several models which incorporate various factors, such as traffic data, vehicle category, etc., to monitor transport emissions. One such model, called the international vehicle emission (IVE) model, has been discussed in this study to develop an emission inventory using several factors as input parameters to get all kinds of emission results by transportation sector. Since all kinds of vehicle exhaust emissions are highly responsible for ambient air pollution, it needs immediate attention. The study of vehicle emissions can offer potential to plan better pollutant reduction strategies for the transportation sector. The present study has been carried out for the reduction of transport emissions and provide better reduction policies to control a major part of air pollution.
Air pollution, Transport sector, Vehicle emission, Transport policy
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