Cost-Effective Sustainability Optimization: A Holistic Exploration of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Flexible Pavement Construction through Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Copper Slag Stabilization

IJEP 44(11): 977-988 : Vol. 44 Issue. 11 (November 2024)

Samuthirakani V.1 and Ashutosh Das2*

1. PRIST University, Department of Civil Engineering, Vallam, Thanjavur – 613 403, Tamil Nadu, India
2. PRIST University, Centre for Research and Development, Vallam, Thanjavur – 613 403, Tamil Nadu, India


The construction of highways, particularly in pavement development, contributes significantly to carbon footprint. This research focuses on mitigating greenhouse gas emissions associated with flexible pavement construction. The study encompasses both experimental and analytical components. In the experimental phase, research on subgrade stabilization using environmentally sustainable materials, specifically copper slag, was conducted at the Highways Research Laboratory. Different proportions of copper slag were blended with soil and the resulting properties, such as optimum moisture content (OMC) and California bearing ratio (CBR), were assessed. Ultimately, an optimal proportion was determined to enhance subgrade properties effectively. Upon determining the optimal blend of copper slag and soil, an analysis of its global warming potential was conducted using software, such as LCA Pave and SimaPro. The impact parameters, including global warming and ozone depletion, were evaluated by varying the transportation distance of copper slag from the factory. This analysis aimed to identify the most sustainable combination of materials and transportation distances for pavement construction. Eventually, the research determined the final proportion and transportation distance that strike a balance between sustainability and cost-effectiveness in the construction process.


Carbon footprint, Life cycle assessment, Sustainability, California bearing ratio, LCA Pave


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