Adoption and Acquisition of Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for Enhancing Environment Sustainability

IJEP 44(2): 147-155 : Vol. 44 Issue. 2 (February 2024)

Anuj Kumar1, Purvi Pujari2, Anoop Pandey3* and Monika Arora4

1. Apeejay School of Management, Department of Management, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 077, India
2. D.Y. Patil University, Department of Management, Vijay Patil School of Management, Navi Mumbai – 400 706, Maharashtra, India
3. Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal Central University, Department of Commerce, Pauri Campus, Srinagar – 246 174, Uttarakhand, India
4. Amity University Haryana, Department of Management, Manesar – 122 412, Haryana, India


This research paper seeks to explore adoption and acquisition of artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing (CC) by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for improving environment sustainability and provide recommendations for future research and policy development. This paper meticulously reviews the related literature to identify the predominant research on the adoption and acquisition of AI and CC in SMEs to enhance environmental sustainability. Also, it identifies the benefits and challenges that SMEs in particular, face during this process. In this study, we found that AI and CC can bring benefits like value creation in terms of improved delivery management and efficiency in the business model as well as using the up-to-date software and hardware with low-cost, unlimited data storage and access the information from anywhere. This in turn, can help SMEs leverage the technology adoption to contribute to the objective of environmental sustainability. This research paper would be useful to the SME owners, who are facing the dilemma of adopting and acquiring AI and CC for their firms. It will also bring more clarity to the stakeholders, like government officials and policymakers, in forming and enabling ecosystem for SMEs. With research endeavours and policy initiatives, SMEs can be a crucial growth engine for any developing economy to achieve the aim of environmental sustainability in the long-term. They will be valuable contributors to the areas of balanced regional development, employment, optimum resource utilization and diversity in industrial production.  This paper suggests the future implications for SME owners in light of the adoption of these technologies.


Artificial intelligence, Cloud computing, Small and medium enterprises, Adoption, Acquisition, Environment sustainability


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