An Attempt to Reduce Prosopis juliflora From Agricultural Land by Using Gasification Process 

Paper Presented At NCEEE Conference

IJEP 39(2): 167-172 : Vol. 39 Issue. 2 (February 2019)

K. C. Keerthivasan and S. Vivekanandan

Annamalai University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Annamalai Nagar – 608 002, Chidambaram


Air gasification was conducted with waste biomass (Prosopis juliflora) in a newly fabricated fluidized bed gasifier to reduce the sterility of fertile land. In this work, the physical and chemical properties of biomass were measured and found that they achieve the standards. The various zone temperature and pressure were measured for finding the overall gasifier performance. The temperature of the oxidation zone was increased to 520ºC during gasifier operation of 50 min, due to the continuous feeding of biomass (8.5 kg/hr) and the producer gas volume flow rate was achieved as 32.5 m3/hr. The calorific value of producer gas has reached in the range of 4.02-5.5 MJ/kg and the cold gas efficiency was in the range of 65-73%. When running just with gasifier, amount of producer gas is high yet the quality is less and its temperature run is 190-250ºC. When running with gasifier and water scrubber plan, there is an insignificant change in quality and temperature run is 50-70ºC. The flame temperature is increased by 60%, this will lead to increase the combustion performance of IC engine. Consequently, the outcomes propose that in the wake of utilizing all the three filter will increase the quality of producer gas which is fit to use in internal combustion engines.


Gasifier, Prosopis juliflora, IC engine