Closed Pattern Mining And Causal Analysis Of Pollution Data

IJEP 41(1): 42-49 : Vol. 41 Issue. 1 (January 2021)

S. Sharmiladevi and S. Siva Sathya*

Pondicherry University, Department of Computer Science, Puducherry – 605 014, India


Mining sequential patterns are of great importance in recent years, as it unveils some of the unknown associative relationships between observations. While in mining sequential patterns many intermediate sequences have to be generated, which is a computationally challenging task when compared to frequent patterns of mining. CloFAST is an algorithm which mines closed sequences without candidate maintenance. Also, CloFAST requires only one step to check closure and prune the search space. It can mine long closed sequences effortlessly from large datasets. In this work, a closed sequential pattern mining of PM2.5 pollutant in Delhi is done using CloFAST. Delhi, the capital of the second most populous country on earth has been suffering from severe air pollution problem. Delhi is getting polluted due to diverse reasons, like its geography, burning crop stubble in neighbouring states, vehicular emission, etc. Some of the critical air pollutants found in Delhi are PM10, PM2.5, nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide, carbon monoxide, ozone. The main pollutant being particulate matter (PM2.5) as it causes serious health problems when it enters into the alveoli of human lungs. Various micro-level analysis of air pollution is being carried out recently. But macro-level analysis is also required in order to obtain a clear understanding on a broader scale. The patterns obtained are given as knowledge for causal analysis done using the FCI algorithm.


Air pollution, PM2.5 pollutant, Closed sequential mining, Particulate matter, Delhi


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