Awareness And Attitudes Of School Going Children Towards Natural Resources

IJEP 41(11): 1259-1262 : Vol. 41 Issue. 11 (November 2021)

Amitha M. Hegde, Delisha Y. Fernandes and Amarshree A. Shetty*

NITTE (Deemed to Be University), A.B. Shetty memorial institute of dental Sciences, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Mangalore – 575 018, Karnataka, India


The influx of technology has provided comfort to man but it has done so at the cost of our natural resources. Global warming is increasing and the responsibility of the citizens towards this cause is decreasing. NITI Ayogya states that 21 cities in India will run out of groundwater by 2020. 3 rivers, 4 water bodies, 5 wetlands and 6 forests have dried up completely in Chennai. Thus the need for conservation of the existing resources is more important today than ever. Children are the future of our society thus it is of paramount importance for the sustainability of the future generations that we instill the correct attitude about conservation of natural resources. This study was conducted in an attempt to analyse the awareness and attitude of children towards the conservation of natural resources. The results of this study saw a lack of knowledge and awareness of the children towards conservation of these resources but a positive attitude was seen with respect to learning new ways to conserve them. Attention is needed to identify approaches to appropriately enlist, engage and involve children in activities that inculcate a positive attitude towards conserving our resources.


Natural resources, Conservation, Sustainability, Child education, Environmental education


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