Contribution Of Organic Farming For Environmental Development With Special Reference To Nagapattinam District, Tamil Nadu

IJEP 41(12): 1380-1385 : Vol. 41 Issue. 12 (December 2021)

B. Chithirairajan1* and Telu Suvarna2

1. PSG College of Arts and Science, Department of Economics (UA), Coimbatore – 641 014, Tamil Nadu, India
2. Vels Institue of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Department of Economics, Chennai – 600 117, Tamil Nadu, India


At present, climate change is one of the severe problems in agricultural sector and it leads to crop failure, decline in groundwater level, fall in agricultural production, labour migration and reducing the fertility of soil. Further, agricultural pollution includes nitrogen based fertilizers which releases greenhouse gases; it can overload waterways with dangerous pollutants, like chemical pesticides with varying toxicological effects and can contaminate air and water or reside directly on our food. To overcome these problems, organic farming is an alternative method and it is concerned with the whole farming system and it relates to the interaction with climate, environment, social and economic conditions, rather than considering farming as an enterprise. The prime objective of this study is to discuss the various factors attributed to organic farming for environmental development in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu. Regarding design of the study, total of 48 organic farm households have been collected from Sirkazhi block of Nagapattinam district using well structured interview schedule method. As a result, we found that major portions of the respondents selected in organic farming households opined that organic farming can accelerate the environmental development and can create good ambience between humans, flora and fauna. Further, the practice of organic farming can bring out the chain rule according to green manure, crop production, healthy environment and eco-friendly development. At this juncture, the present research has focused on environmental development through organic farming practices in the modern society.


Chemical farming, Air and water contamination, Organic farming, Green manure, reducing agricultural pollution, Environmental development


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