Case Study And Analysis On Reduction Of Solid Waste At Compost Yard In Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation

IJEP 41(3): 320-324 : Vol. 41 Issue. 3 (March 2021)

M. Natarajan* and T. Hemalatha

Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Department of Civil Engineering, Coimbatore – 641 021, India


Collecting, treating and disposing of a discarded solid material is called solid waste management. Wastes heap up causing problems due to improper waste disposal systems by waste management teams. Biological and physico-chemical problems are caused to the environment due to the solid wastes from companies, like toxic metals, hazardous wastes and chemicals. When hazardous wastes, like pesticides, batteries containing lead, mercury or zinc, e-waste and plastics are mixed up with paper and other scraps, dioxins are produced and causes various diseases like cancer. The hazardous wastes usually mix up with other ordinary garbage and flammable wastes while amassing solid waste thus these results in the risky disposal process. Another waste management method is proposed in Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation as a case study for the reduction of solid waste at compost yard.


Solid waste management, Biological problems, physico-chemical problems, Hazardous wastes


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