Study Of Physico-Chemical Quality Of Groundwater In Tyikomiyne Region Of Community Of Talssint (Eastern Morocco), By Application Of Principal Component Analysis

IJEP 41(4): 391-396 : Vol. 41 Issue. 4 (April 2021)

H. Taouil1, K. Arouya1,2*, M. Allaoui3, A. Nimour4 and S. Ibn Ahmed1

1. Ibn Tofail University, Laboratory Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, Kenitra, Morocco
2. Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Laboratory Natural Resources and Environment, Faculty Polydisciplinary of Taza, Route of Oujda, Taza, Morocco
3. Ibn Tofaïl University, Laboratory of Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment, Team of Corrosion, Protec- tion and Environment, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Kenitra, Morocco
4. Ibn Tofail University, Laboratory of Biotechnology, Environment and Quality, Faculty of Science, Kenitra, Morocco


For the purpose of the management and conservation of the aquatic environment of spring waters in the Tykomyine-Talssint region of eastern Morocco, principal component analysis (PCA) of physico-chemical parameters and major elements were studied during the low-water period (May of the year 2011). The visualization of the results allowed us to show that the pH, T°, SO42-, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+ and conductivity are positively correlated with the F1 axis, contrary to the ions: NO3, Cl which is associated negatively on the two main axes F1 and F2. Thus the application of the principal component analysis on these results shows that we have two groups of stations: the first group of stations in the positive part of the F1 axis, characterized by waters with high concentrations in pH, T°, SO42-, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+ and conductivity at the S1 and S5 stations. The second group of stations in the negative part of the F1 axis, characterized by waters with a high concentration of Cl, NO3 at the station S2. This enrichment in major elements is to be related to the geological context of the studied region.


Spring waters, Talssint, Principal component analysis, major elements of pollution


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