IJEP 41(4): 385-390 : Vol. 41 Issue. 4 (April 2021)
Bhaskar Sailesh and Suja John*
Christ University, Bengaluru – 560 076, Karnataka, India
This research aims to show the positive and negative impacts of COVID-19 lockdown on wildlife. The study shows that since the lockdown came into effect, there have been improvements in environmental conditions, the resurgence of marine life in coastal waters and privacy for wildlife. On the other hand, the lockdown has also bought some negative impacts, such as increasing in poaching activities, human-wildlife conflicts, hunger issues for urban wildlife and the reopening of wet markets. The study also provides solutions to keep the wildlife safe during and after the lockdown period, such as the use of technology to monitor unauthorized human movements in wildlife parks, providing economic assistance to keep villagers away from wildlife poaching and use of carbon credits to ensure the continued flow of revenue during a time like these. There is a chance that once the lockdown is lifted, all global activities will return and people will go back to their old ways and all the positive impacts of the lockdown will disappear. Hopefully, the current situation will facilitate us to reconsider our way of life and our relationship with nature and encourage us to make the necessary changes that are long pending.
COVID-19, Lockdown, Wildlife protection, Environmental conservation, Impacts of COVID-19
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