Sequential Extraction Of Heavy Metals In Soils Evolving From Dumping Of Municipal Solid Wastes

IJEP 41(6): 663-667 : Vol. 41 Issue. 6 (June 2021)

Pravas Kumar Jee1 and Asoke Prasun Chattopadhyay2*

1. Geological Survey of India, Geo-environmental Laboratory, Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal, India
2. University of Kalyani, Department of Chemistry, Nadia – 741 235, West Bengal, India


Twenty five sub-surface soil samples collected from agricultural fields, used to cultivate local vegetables adjoining the open municipal solid waste dumpsite in Dhapa of Kolkata town, were analyzed for some heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Mn, Zn, Ni and Cr) using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The analysis of the aqua regia digestion for total metal showed an average concentration of Cu (465.32±7.6 ppm), Pb (679.09±5.78 ppm), Mn (987.35±8.84 ppm), Zn (1982.37±10.52 ppm), Ni (67.39±4.21 ppm) and Cr (595.61±6.28 ppm). The concentration of Cr, Pb and Zn in the soil evolved from solid waste dumping was exceptionally high in comparison to the Indian compost standard. Sequential extraction studies were also carried out for the metals using Tessier method [1]. Most of the Cr, Pb and Ni were found to be associated with the residual fraction whereas Zn and Mn were more in the reducible phase. Cu was found to be present more in the oxidizable phase. The bioavailability order (sum of exchangeable and acid extractable phase) of metals was Ni > Mn > Pb > Zn > Cu > Cr. The recovery obtained by comparing the aqua regia extracted metal content with the sum of sequentially extracted fractions was in the range of 101–108%.


Dhapa, Municipal solid waste, Heavy metals, Sequential extraction, Bioavailability


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