Time Series And Distribution Functions For The Concentration Of Elements In The Surface Layer Of The Atmosphere Of Cities In The Zeravshan Valley

IJEP 41(8): 843-850 : Vol. 41 Issue. 8 (August 2021)

Madaminxuja Mamatxonovich Xoshimxujaev*

Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Decorative Gardening and Landscape Design


Time series and distribution functions of element concentrations in atmospheric aerosols of large cities of the Zeravshan valley were studied. It is established that the time series and functions of dust and element distributions show peaks due to the influence of meteorological conditions, anthropogenic sources and their interactions. Time series and distribution functions of urban atmosphere aerosols of Samarkand, Bukhara and Navoi were investigated. The effect of meteorological conditions, industrial sources and their interactions was found as pikes on the time series and distribution functions of dust and elements.


Atmospheric aerosols, time series, distribution functions, variation span, standard deviation, probabilistic and statistical processing, log-normal distribution, histogram of frequency distributions, risk of contamination


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