Assessment of Ground, Pond, River and Canal Water Quality in Some Municipal, Residential, Industrial and Port Areas

IJEP 42(11): 1392-1399 : Vol. 42 Issue. 11 (November 2022)

Hemanta Meher1, P. K. Behera1* and S. N. Panda2

1. Sambalpur University, School of Chemistry, Jyoti Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha – 768 019, India
2. Vikash Degree College, Department of Chemistry, Bargarh, Odisha – 768 028, India


The characteristics of water, air and soil having physical, chemical and biological changes are undesired changes. So people around the world are under tremendous threat. Water is highly polluted day by day with different harmful contaminants. This is happening due to man-made activities, like increased human population, use of large amount of fertilizers and industrialization. natural water is contaminated due to leaching of soils, industrial processing, residential waste, municipal waste and weathering of rocks. Various water borne diseases occur in human beings due to use of contaminated drinking water. So it is necessary that at regular time intervals the quality of drinking water should be checked. The availability of good water quality improves quality of life while prevent disease. So for testing water quality different physico-chemical parameters were used for the calculation of water quality index.


Water, Physico-chemical parameters, Water quality index


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