Solar Disinfection Improves Water Quality to Prevent Diarrhoea in Under-Five Children in Lucknow District, U.P.

IJEP 42(6): 652-659 : Vol. 42 Issue. 6 (June 2022)

G.S. Madhumathi1*, Monika Agrawal1 and Prashant Gupta2

1. King George’s Medical University (KGMU), Department of Community Medicine and Public Health, Lucknow – 226 003, U.P., India
2. King George’s Medical University (KGMU), Department of Microbiology, Lucknow-226 003, U.P., India


Diarrhoea is one of the major causes of death among under-five children (U5C) in India. The consumption of contaminated water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene are major risk factors for diarrhoea in developing countries. To determine the effectiveness of solar disinfection intervention (SODIS) in reducing the incidence of diarrhoea among under five children, study was conducted in conveniently selected three urban slums of Lucknow, during the period from 1st May 2019 to 30th April 2020. Ninety-five children from intervention and control areas were included in the study. During follow-up period, occurrence of diarrhoea was monitored and compared between control and intervention area. The reduction in diarrhoea was 64.6%, 75%, 92.8% at the end of first, second and third month, respectively among intervention group when compared to control group. Statistically significant reduction in diarrhoea incidence among SODIS users [IRR= 0.23; 95%CI (0.11, 0.49)] was observed. Significant improvement in bacteriological quality of water was noted after sun exposure (x2=18.337, df=9, p=0.008). In our study, we observed that the diarrhoea prevalence was significantly reduced among intervention group compared to control group. Bacteriological quality of drinking water has been improved after sun exposure. In order to incorporate SODIS practice into daily practice among urban population proper strategy and training is needed.


Solar disinfection intervention, childhood diarrhoea, Water quality


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