Climate-Smart Livelihood – A Case Study of Dodaballapura Taluk of Bangalore Rural District

IJEP 42(8): 971-978 : Vol. 42 Issue. 8 (August 2022)

M. P. Sagarika and U. R. Rajeshwari*

Christ (Deemed to be University), Department of Economics, Bangalore – 560 029, Karnataka, India


More than a billion farmers around the world are on the frontier of climate change. These farmers’ livelihoods are directly and indirectly affected by the impact of climate change. Climate smart livelihood explains the practices in agriculture sector which sustainably contributes to productivity and income. This study tries to explore the adaptation of climate smart livelihood techniques by the farmers in the Doddaballapur taluk of Bangalore rural district. The data was collected primarily from the five villages and 50 households of Doddaballapur taluk. The survey revealed that 81.67% of the respondents faced problems during adaptation of climate smart agriculture was due to poor support of local and national authorities with climate related issues and ranked it one of the major constraints. This was followed by lack of financial constraints, lack of knowledge about adaptive practices (78.50%), non-availability of agriculture inputs in time (76.17%), lack of education about the adaptation strategies (75.33%), unavailability of new technologies (78.83%), higher cost of the agricultural inputs used for the practices (71.17%), lack of improved communication facility about the climate change (71%), migration of youth due to urbanization and better employment (70.83%), lack of knowledge about post-harvest technology (68.83%), lack of awareness about climate change issues (59.83 %). The study reveals that as most farmers believe they have low capacity to adapt to climate-smart agriculture due to lack of availability of resources, Government can help farmers through National Agricultural Extension Project (NAEP), Krishi Prashasthi, etc.


Agriculture, Climate change, Climate smart livelihood, Climate smart agriculture


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