IJEP 43(3): 257-262 : Vol. 43 Issue. 3 (March 2023)
Pavithra R.1,2* and Sangeetha Sriraam3
1. CHRIST (Deemed to be University), School of Law, Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560 029, India
2. National Law School of India University, Bengaluru, Karnataka – 560 072, India
3. Central University of Tamil Nadu, Department of Law, Chennai, Tamil Nadu – 610 005, India
Electricity and artificial lights were synonymous with economic growth and development. Unfortunately, over usage of artificial lights has proven adverse effects. Research shows that excessive light impacts human health and endangers ecological balance, disturbs wildlife, causes decline in insect, moth, reptile pollution and depletes energy resources. Countries around the world have gradually started recognising light pollution as an emerging challenge and have brought in regulations to curb it. However, India is yet to recognise the threat of light pollution. Against this backdrop, the authors have established the need to recognise light pollution as a matter requiring dedicated and concerted focus. This was achieved through the analysis of recent and credible journal articles category with a cite score of over ten. Reliance was also placed on the light pollution map to understand the intensity of the problem, especially in India. The authors next conducted a study of legal regimes governing light pollution and artificial light, in different jurisdictions around the globe. The paper draws upon the best practices from these jurisdictions and suggests that India adopt techno-legal legislation, at the earliest, to combat light pollution.
Light pollution, India, Laws, Best practices, Techno-legal legislation
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