IJEP 44(12): 1069-1080 : Vol. 44 Issue. 12 (December 2024)
Gyanesh Kumar Sinha* and Nilanjan Chattopadhyay
Bennett University, School of Management, Greater Noida – 201 310, Uttar Pradesh, India
The rapid pace of urbanization and living standards over the last few decades caused a major shift in demand from non-motorized to motorized personal transportation. The transportation industry is the largest user of fossil fuels and road transport contributes the most to energy-related carbon emissions. Studies have shown that transition from internal combustion-based vehicles to electrical vehicles (EVs) can significantly reduce carbon or greenhouse gas emissions. The current study aims to determine the relative importance of key factors for the adoption of electric vehicles and to prioritize the three major alternatives among electric vehicles—battery, hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Opinions from a range of specialists employed by the electric car manufacturer were gathered. Important elements influencing the choice and uptake of electric vehicles were determined by a thorough analysis of academic publications from prestigious journals. In this study, two multi-criteria decision-making models were used. The results of these models were utilized to rank the options among three distinct categories of electric vehicles and determine the weights assigned to each criterion or element. Plug-in hybrid vehicle was observed as the best option for transition to electric vehicles as compared to pure battery and hybrid vehicles.
Electric vehicles, Multi-criteria decision-making, Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy TOPSIS, Sustainable transportation
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