Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Modelling: A Mathematical Analysis

IJEP 44(3): 257-264 : Vol. 44 Issue. 3 (March 2024)

Pappu Kumar1*, Saurabh Kumar2, Monu Kumar2, Anurag Chaubey2 and Jaiprakash Nayak3

1. Sandip University, Department of Civil Engineering, Madhubani – 847 235, Bihar, India
2. IIMT University, Department of Civil Engineering, Meerut – 250 001, Uttar Pradesh, India
3. Harcourt Butler Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, Kanpur – 208 002, Uttar Pradesh, India


This study conducts a mathematical analysis of groundwater flow and solute transport modelling using MATLAB software. This analytical solution is used to solve advection-dispersion problems. A groundwater contamination problem has become the most sensitive area for research. Increasing pollution and the mathematical complexity of the problem make analytical solutions so challenging, time-consuming and tedious. The objective of groundwater modelling is to analyse the numerical solution and Langmuir sorption isotherm. The solute transport model simulates the fate and transport of organic and inorganic contaminants in groundwater. A numerical groundwater problem is used as the input parameter. Hydraulic conductivity, density and porosity of the soil are the factors that determine sensitivity. Modelling of groundwater solute transport using MATLAB was carried out using mathematical partial differential equations for advection-dispersion and diffusion equations. The results obtained contaminant concentration variation with distances. MATLAB and other software can be used to solve the problem for ease of complexity.


Groundwater contamination, Solute transport model, Advection-dispersion, MATLAB


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