Experimental Investigation Of Noise Levels At The UNESCO World Heritage City Jaipur

IJEP 41(10): 1189-1193 : Vol. 41 Issue. 10 (October 2021)

Saurabh Sharma and Mahendra Pratap Choudhary*

Rajasthan Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, Kota – 324 010, Rajasthan, India


This paper is based on a study related to measurement of ambient noise levels at the UNESCO world heritage city Jaipur. The equivalent continuous sound level (Leq) is calculated for the morning and evening peak hours using noise levels measured with a sound level meter. The study has been conducted during January to March 2020 and the sampling locations consisted of major tourist spots, famous markets and the large gates constructed at the time of establishment of the old historic walled city. The time interval of peak hours was chosen from 0800-1100 hr in the morning and 1700-2000 hr in the evening. The noise levels were recorded at all the 15 sampling locations and compared with the permissible limits/standards prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India under the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000. It has been found that all the results are beyond the prescribed limits as per CPCB, which is a very serious issue looking to the UNESCO world heritage site status recently awarded to Jaipur city. It is the duty of all concerned stakeholders including govt. authorities, businessmen, non-govt. organizations and general public to uphold the status of UNESCO world heritage city in its truthful manner.


UNESCO world heritage site, Noise pollution, Leq, Sound level meter, CPCB standards


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