IJEP 41(10): 1194-2000 : Vol. 41 Issue. 10 (October 2021)
Indu* and Abhimanyu Singh
Bundelkhand University, Institute of Environment and Development Studies, Jhansi – 284 128, U.P., India
Nawabganj lake water has the supplementation through irrigation canal systems in the area. This very effective management method is a necessity and becoming increasingly popular in conserving the lake environments in urban areas. This small lake, spread in an area of 2.25 km2, attracts hundreds of migratory bird species during winters. But presently, water contamination of the lake is a main cause of concern. Nawabganj lake is one of the most important and among the endangered, environmental resources. The lake or surface water bodies has been polluted due to stagnant nature and numerous anthropogenic activities (irrigation, agriculture, construction activities, clearing of land and domestic waste disposal) around them. Due to pollution the quality and quantity of utilizable lake water decreases which ultimately results in the water crisis. It is important, to identify the pollution sources and development of water quality. Thus the lake is subjected to enormous anthropogenic stress and the overall impacts have resulted in the deterioration of the water quality, accumulation of nutrient and toxic heavy metals of water, plants and sediments, shrinkage of the lake area and above all, loss of the aesthetic value and causes environmental stress.
Anthropogenic pollution, Environment stress, Heavy metals, Nawabganj lake, Nutrients
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