Evaluation Of Microbiological Contamination From Dialysis Water And Fluids At Several Hospitals In Baghdad

IJEP 41(11): 1306-1309 : Vol. 41 Issue. 11 (November 2021)

Yasamen Raad Humudat* and Saadi Kadhim Al-Naseri

Environment and Water Directorate, Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad, Iraq


Microbiological monitoring of the water used for hemodialysis plays a crucial role in ensuring adequate quality service for patients suffering from renal failure. The aim of this study was to investigate the bacteriological characteristics of the dialysis water (feed and produced) used at dialysis centers of four hospitals in Baghdad. In this work, a total of 48 water samples from the municipal drinking water, dialysis water and water samples from dialysis pipes distribution were analyzed for heterotrophic plate count using the membrane filters technique over one year to evaluate seasonal effects. Among these fluids used in hemodialysis, water samples of the dialysis pipes distribution were most frequently contaminated and had the highest concentration of bacteria. Samples examined from the distribution of dialysis water pipes, 43.75% showed a bacterial count of more than 50 colony forming units (CFU/mL), which was above the action level as compared to international standards. Therefore, a water quality management programme including monitoring, maintenance and development of water treatment systems in hemodialysis centers is extremely necessary to reduce the risk of contamination for patients suffering from hemodialysis. Moreover, a suitable disinfection programme is required to ensure better control of bacterial growth and the formation of biofilms.


Hemodialysis, Microbiological Contamination, Dialysis water, Dialysis fluid


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