IJEP 41(11): 1316-1320 : Vol. 41 Issue. 11 (November 2021)
Roselin K. and J. Caroline Rose*
Arignar Anna College, Department of Biotechnology, Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India
Polyphenol is one of the organic pollutants in tanning industrial wastewaters, especially in leather industries. Biological treatment is one of the considerable choices for removal of polyphenol present in these wastewaters. Identification of effective microbial species is considered as one of the important priorities to remove the polyphenol with the help of biological reactions. The basic purpose of this research is to identify polyphenol-degrading micro-organisms from leather industrial sludge. Basal salt media and polyphenol were successfully employed for selection of bacterial strains capable of dissimilating polyphenol. Ions, especially chloride, copper and chromium impart hardness to water. The results revealed that the concentrations of ions were more than the prescribed limit before biological treatment and the values decreased to the limit of the standard values after the biological treatment at pH 6.5 after 120 hr. The Cr concentration was significantly reduced to 6.2±0.05 mg/L after 120 hr at 320C after 120 hr of incubation. In the present study, the value was near 2870 mg/L, which indicated that the water hardness was very high. An isolate from the sludge show maximum polyphenol, chloride (1560 mg/L), fluoride (43±0.45 mg/L), chromium (8±0.82 mg/L) reduction at pH 6.5 and it was designated as isolate-1. Bacillus species was isolated using plate enrichment method from sludge of leather industries. The biochemical characteristic analysis of this isolate was shown as Gram-positive cocci. Further 16s rRNA was sequenced and polyphenol relationship was compared to the internal transcribed spacer of the related sequences assigned in the Genbank database. The present study reveals that the isolated strain was identified as Bacillus spp., with the accession SAMN12630611.
Bacillus species, Enrichment media, Polyphenol, Sludge, Leather industrial effluent, Genbank
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