Recent Approach On Biodegradation Of Textile Dyes – A Review

IJEP 41(3): 287-292 : Vol. 41 Issue. 3 (March 2021)

U. Ushani1,2*, Salman2, G. Pavithra2, A. Meena Sankari2 and Veera Prakash2

1. Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, Chengalpattu, India
2. Karpagam Academy of Higher Education, Department of Biotechnology, Coimbatore – 641 021, India


Rapid industrialization has certain upsurge to several undesirable origins that accrued in the planet upto noxious intensities to destroy the natural atmosphere. Systematic growths are deliberated as key influences for improvement of both emerging and under established nations, but awkwardly, maximum of the productions industries in these nations do not have accurate waste treatment amenities and liberating a huge amount of wastes discharges. A preponderance of xenobiotics (either untreated or partially treated) unrestricted from industries is diversified up with the natural water streams and to the territory of the planet. Unprocessed or incompletely treated textile effluents are extremely lethal, as they comprise a huge amount of lethal compounds and heavy metals. The problem of water pollution due to the release of industrial wastewater into natural water streams were perceived by western nations in the 19th century and also in India after independence. Biodegradation or usage of microbes in textile dye breaks down into non-hazardous ingredients.


Microorganism, Biodegradation, Textile dye, Non-hazardous ingredients


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