Application Of Monitored Natural Attenuation To Groundwater Contaminants – A Case Study Of Bhagwanpur Industrial Area, Uttarakhand

IJEP 41(4): 466-470 : Vol. 41 Issue. 4 (April 2021)

Umesh Chandra1, Chandra Kant Bhardwaj2*, O. P. Dubey3 and Geetanjali Kaushik4

1. Uttarakhand Technical University, Department of Civil Engineering, Dehradun, India
2. Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun – 248 002, India
3. Roorkee College of Engineering, Roorkee, India
4. Hi-Tech Institute of Technology, Waluj, Aurangabad, India


An industrial area has been developed in Bhagwanpur near Roorkee in Haridwar district of Uttrakhand. Due to growing industrial activities and urbanization the impact on natural resources especially on groundwater and soil has increased substantially. Consequently, the groundwater samples were collected from five identified locations in the vicinity of Bhagwanpur industrial area to monitor the groundwater. These water samples were analyzed for 19 drinking water quality parameters, such as colour, odour, temperature, pH, total hardness, alkalinity, chloride, TDS, nitrate, sulphate, fluoride and heavy metals, etc., using the BIS protocol. The values of most of the parameters chosen for the site samples for the Bhagwanpur area were found to be less than the permissible BIS limits during observation except for fluoride, copper, iron and arsenic at few sites. Despite the location of the sites within the industrial zone and increasing sub-urbanization, observance of the parameters within permissible limits indicate the potential role of natural attenuation of groundwater contamination in this case. Though, some natural attenuation can be provided by geochemical mechanisms that remove heavy metal contaminants from the aqueous phase, that is sedimentation and adsorption. Some concepts have been established to take advantage of the monitored natural attenuation (MNA) as a management option for the contaminated land and groundwater. Therefore, systematic monitoring of the groundwater comprehensive studies will clarify the possible mechanism of play.


Natural attenuation, heavy metal, groundwater, contaminants, alluvium, biodegradation


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