Estimation Of Water Spread Area For Chembarabakkam Lake Using Remote Sensing

IJEP 41(4): 471-475 : Vol. 41 Issue. 4 (April 2021)

R. Aravind Raj1, Vidhya Lakshmi Sivakumar1*, Manoj Nallanathel2* and Ramalakshmi M.1

1. SIMATS, Institute of Civil Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
2. Mar Baselias College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Peermade, Idukki- 685
531, Kerela, India


Sedimentation in lakes and reservoirs are a serious threat to the storage capacity of the reservoirs. Quantification of reservoir sedimentation can be carried out using conventional methods but is time consuming. In this study, an attempt is made to estimate the water spread area and therefore, the volume of the Chembarambakkam lake, Chennai, India using a range of remote sensing and image processing techniques. Satellite images of the study area under investigation are used to derive the water spread area of the reservoir. With differences in elevation between various dates, estimates of reservoir capacity can be derived. An accurate estimation of the reservoir water spread area was achieved through the sub-pixel approach. The high accuracy of the estimated area by the sub-pixel approach is due to the incorporation of the purest and accurate endmember with the spectral unmixing approach. It could be observed that remote sensing is highly successful in the estimating the water spread area of the reservoir which could result in accurate quantification of sedimentation in reservoirs.


Reservoir sedimentation, Chembarambakkam lake, Remote sensing, Sub-pixel approach


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