IJEP 41(7): 745-753 : Vol. 41 Issue. 7 (July 2021)
Anye Chungag1*, Godwill A. Engwa2 and Benedicta N. Nkeh-Chungag2
1. Dayenuel Consulting, Postnet Suites 092, Mthatha 5099. South Africa
2. Walter Sisulu University, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mthatha, South Africa
Particulate matter (PM), gaseous pollutants and meteorological parameters have gained concern recently in indoor air quality (IAQ) assessment. However, information about the nature and concentration of indoor air pollutants and meteorological parameters in the presence and absence of learners is scarce, hence the aim of this study. This study sampled indoor air from 23 classrooms in three urban and four rural schools in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Components of indoor air (O2, CO2, NO2, PM2.5, PM5 and PM10) and meteorology (relative humidity, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperatures, barometric pressure and airflow) were measured. The findings showed that sampled pollutants were present in all the classrooms in different proportions and varied with the presence and/or absence of learners. While CO2 and PM concentrations were higher than permissible amounts, NO2 volumes were barely detectable. The meteorological parameters were comparatively much higher in urban than rural school classrooms in the presence and absence of learners. In conclusion, classrooms present different IAQ when learners are present compared to when they are absent considering the concentration of their ambient compromisers. The levels of air pollutants in school classrooms do not only increase with the presence of learners but tend to also increase with the rise in indoor meteorological factors.
Indoor air quality, air pollution, particulate matter, gas pollutants, Meteorological parameters
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