A New Indicator to Measure the Waste Valourization Potential of Industrial Wastewaters of Chemical Industries

IJEP 42(2): 131-141 : Vol. 42 Issue. 2 (February 2022)

Sandra D’Sa and Debasis Patnaik*

Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, K K Birla, Goa Campus, Department of Economics and Management, Zuarinagar – 403 726, Goa, India


The commonly used combined physico-chemical parameters of industrial wastewaters, like COD, TDS and pH are found insufficient to devise a waste management strategy of recovery, recycle/reuse and even reduce and as a result, is more focused on treatment and disposal. Primary data were collected using a questionnaire and personal interviews of senior representatives of the Indian chemical industry over the period 2015-2018. The data were used to devise a waste valourization potential score based on the level of knowledge of the chemical composition of the wastewater stream. The findings also revealed that there is an association between the waste valourization potential score (WVPS) and the technologies used to manage wastewaters, that are higher up on the waste hierarchy. Segregation of individual wastewater streams and the chemical characterization of the effluent stream becomes the bedrock upon which pollution prevention, abatement and wastewater management solutions can be devised. The study highlights the need for increased knowledge of the chemical composition of wastewaters to ascend the waste hierarchy through clean technologies to reduce water pollution. Based on WVPS, recovery and reuse or sale of valuable raw materials extracted from wastewaters can be valourized.


Industrial water pollution, Chemical oxygen demand, Total dissolved solids, Wastewater characterization, Waste valourization, Waste hierarchy


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