IJEP 42(2): 142-148 : Vol. 42 Issue. 2 (February 2022)
A. Yogeeswaran1, R. Raja Jeya Sekar1*, S. Uma Maheswari2, S.M. Vijila3 and T. Vijaya Kumar4
1. S.T. Hindu College, P.G. and Research Department of Zoology, Nagercoil – 629 002, Tamil Nadu, India
2. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Department of Biotechnology, Tirunelveli – 627 012, Tamil Nadu, India
3. Pioneer Kumaraswamy College, Department of Zoology, Nagercoil – 629 003, Tamil Nadu, India
4. Delhi Technological University, Department of Environmental Engineering, New Delhi, India
Textile effluent is composed of pollutants, such as dyes, dissolved solids, suspended solids and toxic materials. If this effluent is discharged without any process of treatment either into the water bodies or into the surface of the land will lead to the alteration of physico-chemical parameters of water and the soil. The present investigation revealed how the alkaline protease enzyme secreted from the halophilic bacterial strain Bacillus cereus RRJS2 was used to reduce the contaminants in textile wastewater. The bacterial strains were optimized at different pH, temperatures, NaCl concentrations and incubation times to produce alkaline protease enzyme. The extracted alkaline protease enzyme was used to treat the raw textile effluent. The physico-chemical parameters of both the raw textile effluent and treated effluent were compared. The results indicated that alkaline protease treated effluent recorded the reduction of physico-chemical parameters, such as pH 9.2%, temperature 4.69%, BOD 43%, COD 44%, TDS 66%, TH 44% and chlorides 46% in 5 days of degradation study. The FTIR analysis of raw and alkaline protease treated textile effluent revealed the disappearance of amine, sulphate and alkene groups of compounds and the appearance of hydroxyl, amine and aromatic groups of compounds. Thus, the alkaline protease showed a promising effect on the degradation of contaminants in the textile effluent.
Alkaline protease, Bacillus cereus RRJS2, Textile effluent
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