A Household Survey During Corona Virus Pandemic to Assess Indoor Air Quality and their Correlation with Women’s Health Parameters

IJEP 42(5): 591-599 : Vol. 42 Issue. 5 (May 2022)

Prachi Dixit1, Kajal S. Rathore2, Ashish Kumar3 and Shivom Singh4*

1. ITM University, Department of Biotechnology, Gwalior – 474 002, M.P., India
2. Govt. Kamla Raja Post Graduate College, Department of Biotechnology, Gwalior – 474 001, M.P., India
3. Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Department of Plant Pathology, Jabalpur – 482 004, M.P., India
4. ITM University, Department of Environmental Science, Gwalior – 474 002, M.P., India


Releases from biomass burning are a key basis of household air pollution (HAP) and this is estimated to originate millions of early fatalities globally. HAP is closely allied with respiratory sickness. Main objective of the survey is to assess indoor air quality (IAQ) during lockdown amid COVID-19 and to confirm the lockdown consequences and alliance between some risk and respiratory issues among rural women of the Chambal region in Madhya Pradesh. The questionnaire-based survey was conducted during lockdown, that is from April 2020 to May 2020. Study was confined to four villages (Adupurajagir, Chourai, Mitawali-Padhawali and Gora) of districts from Chambal zone, namely Gwalior, Bhind, Morena and Datia, respectively. On the basis of various criteria, such as demographic characteristics, household characteristics, kitchen characteristics, cooking stove (chulha) characteristics, cooking pattern, use of different types of biomass fuel, ventilation pattern, health history of cook and their household members. Finally, 152 households were surveyed and 100 samples were eligible hence, 25 households from each village were selected for this study.


Household air pollution, Biomass fuel, Chulha, Cardiovascular diseases, Respiratory issues, Particulate matter


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