IJEP 43(11): 972-986 : Vol. 43 Issue. 11 (November 2023)
Shohrat Ali1, Birendra Bharti1*, H.P. Singh1 and R. K. Jaiswal2
1. Central University of Jharkhand, Department of Civil Engineering, Ranchi – 835 222, Jharkhand, India
2. National Institute of Hydrology, WALMI Campus, CIHRC, Bhopal – 462 016, Madhya Pradesh, India
The Bah river basin (BRB) requires special attention in the management of water resources for sustainability in agriculture and the diminution of flood hazards. The hydrological modelling tool, the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) was selected and setup in the Bah river basin, Madhya Pradesh. The calibration was done using the model on a daily time basis during the period 1989 to 2005, 2 years of the warm period from 1989 to 1990 were taken and the validation data of 8 years (2006-13) was used. For calibration, uncertainty analysis and sensitivity of the model, SWAT-calibration and uncertainty programmes (SWAT-CUP) were used, following sequential uncertainty fitting (SUFI-2) technique. The performance of the model for the studied catchment area was assessed on four statistical standards. The assessment showed an appreciable performance for calibration as well as validation periods and satisfactory agreement among measured value and simulated value. According to the results obtained from sensitivity analysis, the hydrological process in the studied catchment is highly affected by six parameters. These parameters are ALPHA_BF, CH_K2, CN2, GW_DELAY, SHALLST and GW_REVAP. From 23 sub-catchments of the BRB, the average surface runoff is 500.05 mm. Around 31-55% of the precipitation is lost by evapotranspiration. The results of the study would be beneficial for the water managers, the hydrological community and all those involved in soil conservation, agricultural water management and also in planning for reducing the impact of natural hazards, like floods and droughts.
Soil and water assessment tool, Sequential uncertainty fitting-2 algorithm, Surface runoff, Water balance
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