A Comparative Review of India and USA’s Approach to Brownfield Redevelopment

IJEP 43(4): 291-303 : Vol. 43 Issue. 4 (April 2023)

Nihal Singh Verma and Haimanti Banerji*

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Department of Architecture and Regional Planning, Kharagpur, West Bengal – 721 302, India


Cities around world are experiencing pool of derelict and abandoned land. The remnant of industrial development is what we are calling brownfield. The term brownfield in India is less commonly used for such land. Our objective in this study is to understand and acknowledge the Indian effort for brownfield redevelopment and to look for the areas of improvisation. Brownfield redevelopment has been focus of research for western countries for more than two decades. American approach to managing brownfields is commonly referred to as best practice among researchers. In this review, we have used macro-comparative analysis to compare the Indian and USA frameworks of brownfield management. Comparison is categorized in broad heads of principle, definition, policy and institutional framework. The study has led us to a conclusion that the Indian framework is primitive and needs a robust approach. While comparing both cases the study has made some recommendations that can be adopted in India.


Brownfield, Land contamination, Environmental policy, Urban regeneration


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