Influence of Biodegradable Vertical Drains on Soft Soil

IJEP 43(8): 750-756 : Vol. 43 Issue. 8 (August 2023)

S. Sathyapriya1*, Gayathridevi K.1 and R. Sharvesh2

1. Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu – 641 013, India
2. Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu – 641 050, India


Consolidation parameters are a crucial component in stability analyses of embankments, footings or columns built on clayey soil. The settlement behaviour of the structures and the pore pressure changes need to be looked upon when structures are built over such soil. Prefabricated vertical drains (PVD) are used to accelerate the process of consolidation by permitting pore water pressures to dissipate easily when subjected to overburden pressures. To avoid detrimental impact on the environment due to the use of polymeric materials in vertical drains, biodegradable vertical drains are employed. This paper reports water absorption capacity tests, consolidation tests, discharge capacity tests and numerical analyses carried out for natural prefabricated vertical drains (NPVD). The natural prefabricated vertical drains are made of jute sheath covering core made-up of bamboo material. The water absorption capacity of fibres used is 8% lesser compared to the other fibres (coir and jute). Consolidation results showed that coefficient of consolidation, coefficient of permeability, coefficient of compressibility, coefficient of volume change and compression index increased with use of a single NPVD in soft clay. Results from discharge capacity test showed a decrease in discharge capacity when compressive stress is increased, at the same hydraulic gradient. The numerical analysis result showed dissipation of pore water pressure while increasing time.


Soil consolidation, Prefabricated vertical drains, Natural fibres, Pore water pressure dissipation, Consolidation settlement, Natural prefabricated vertical drains


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