IJEP 43(8): 757-762 : Vol. 43 Issue. 8 (August 2023)
Rayhan Alam* and Juwel Hosen
Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE), Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Institute of Nuclear Medical Physics, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Radon is a chemical element possessing the properties of naturally occurring radioactivity and emanating from the decomposition of radioactive elements. Radon gas in the soil and rock can easily move into the air, underground water and surface water. Radon is present in both external and internal atmospheres. It is found at low levels in outdoor air and drinking water from rivers and at higher levels in the air in houses and other buildings, alongwith water from underground wells and surface water. Lung cancer is 25% more aggressive in patients who have smoked and been exposed to radon gas. There are many well-known methodologies to mitigate indoor and outdoor radon gas pollution, such as establishing under-floor ventilation systems and concrete sealing through different gaps and cracks in building designs and floors. Alternative approaches should be taken in these areas if elevated radon levels are found. Moreover, the mitigation of radon concentrations in homes and workplaces is an important contribution to the goal of good health for the general population. This article has extensively analyzed more than 60 studies to better understand radon sources, methods for measuring indoor radon concentrations and predictions. About 10 Bangladeshi local studies were analyzed to describe the current radon concentration position and future precautions. Moreover, radon pollution affects human health and the environment and the techniques used to reduce its impact on human health and well-being.
Radon, Indoor air pollution, Health risks, Outdoor air pollution, Water contamination
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