Evaluating the impact of dissolved rocks on the quality of water in Werei Lake, Woreda, Tigray, Ethiopia

IJEP 44(11): 1010-1020 : Vol. 44 Issue. 11 (November 2024)

Zelealem Haftu1, N. Rao Cheepurupalli2* and Anuradha B.3

1. Aksum University, Department of Geology, School of Mines, Aksum, Ethiopia
2. Aksum University, Department of Mineral Processing Engineering, School of Mines, Aksum, Ethiopia
3. Geological Survey of India, Chemical Division, Hyderadad, Telangana, India


A study is conducted to examine the impact of dissolved rocks on water quality in Werei lake, Woreda, Tigray, Ethiopia. The investigation focuses on the physico-chemical parameters and concentration of heavy metals in 27 collected water samples. The examined findings, listed in ascending order, are as follows: Cu (16%), Cr (40%), As (44%), Ni (54%), Pb (64%), Fe (76%), Co (80%) and Zn (100%). Moreover, the electrical conductivity exhibits a range of 128-627 mS/cm, while the turbidity falls within the range of 20-36.23 NTU. The total dissolved solids vary from 140.5-389 mg/L and the total alkalinity varies from 105-510 mg/L. The elements Cr, Zn, Cu and turbidity are associated with Werii slates, whereas Fe, As, Ni and Co are connected to Tsedia slate. EC, TS, TSS and Co are attributed to Aiba basalt, Adigrat sandstone, Werii slates and Tsedia slates, respectively. This association was conducted using both one-way ANOVA and factor analysis. All measured water quality indicators are below the acceptable limit set by the FAO for irrigation purposes. However, the majority of the samples exceeded the criteria set by the WHO for drinking purposes.


Heavy metals, Surface water quality, Factor analysis, Tigray, Ethiopia


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