IJEP 44(11): 1021-1028 : Vol. 44 Issue. 11 (November 2024)
Vanraj K. Dodiya1,2*, Chetankumar M. Patel1 and Bharat M. Ramani3
1. R.K. University, Mechanical Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Rajkot – 360 020, Gujarat, India
2. C.U. Shah Polytechnic, Mechanical Engineering Department, Surendranagar – 363 030, Gujarat, India
3. Shri Labhubhai Trivedi Institute of Engineering and Technology (SLTIET), Mechanical Engineering Department, Rajkot – 360 005, Gujarat, India
Energy consumption in our country has become a critical concern, contributing to rising environmental pollution. Household cooking stands out among various energy consumption sectors as a significant daily activity, necessitating continuous energy usage. This study addresses this issue by exploring sustainable alternatives, particularly solar energy-based solutions, to mitigate environmental harm caused by conventional fuel burning. This research compares two prominent solar cooker designs: the parabolic dish type solar cooker (PDTSC) and the box type solar cooker (BTSC). These solar cookers harness solar energy’s power, offering an eco-friendly alternative to conventional cooking methods. Unlike previous box-type solar cookers, which often suffer from prolonged cooking durations, the newly designed PDTSC presented in this paper significantly reduces cooking time. Specifically, our findings demonstrate that the PDTSC outperforms the BTSC and diminishes cooking time by 86% during daylight hours. Furthermore, the environmental impact of adopting solar cookers is substantial. By implementing these solar cooking solutions, we can prevent the emission of 3004 tonnes of CO2 annually as an environmental benefit and potential to revolutionize household energy consumption patterns.
Environment, Solar cooker, Solar energy, Temperature, Testing
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