Modelling air dispersion of pollutants emitted from limestone mining and processing in South Togo (Tabligbo)

IJEP 44(4): 326-332 : Vol. 44 Issue. 4 (April 2024)

Solagnon Edoh Koevidjin1, Yawovi Nougbléga1,2*, Yawovi Mignanou Amouzouvi3, Milohum Mikesokpo Dzagli2,3 and Jérémie Thouakesseh Zoueu4

1. University of Lomé, Solar Energy Laboratory/Transfer and Energy Phenomenon Group, Lomé, Togo
2. University of Lomé, Regional Centre of Excellence on Electricity Management (CERME), Lomé, Togo
3. University of Lomé, Laboratory of Physics of Semiconductor Materials and Components, Lomé, Togo
4. Image and Spectroscopy Instrumentation Laboratory (L2IS), Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast


Atmospheric pollution is a major problem that the world is facing today. In Togo, the main sources of atmospheric pollution are industries that exploit raw materials and traffic. These sources release gaseous and particulate pollutants harmful to the population and the environment. The limestone mining and processing area at Tabligbo in South Togo, which is concerned with cement manufacturing, is an obvious case of health and environmental issues. This study aims to estimate the deposition rate of atmospheric particulate pollutants released from limestone mining and processing in the area of Tabligbo using the HYSPLIT dispersion model. Monthly deposits of particulate pollutants released during ten years from 2013 to 2022 were collected using the HYSPLIT dispersion model and were related to the meteorological conditions. Annual averages were used to estimate the variation of pollutant deposition rate in this area over time with a maximum of 2.24×10-8 mass/m2 and minimum of 1.67×10-8 mass/m2. The pollution state was found to be linked to the climatic conditions during the year. The geographical distribution of pollutants was found to be far from the emission sources. These results could help policymakers, decision-makers and population to take protective measures from the deposition of particulate pollutants.


Air pollution, HYSPLIT dispersion model, Particulate pollutants, Cement industry, Togo


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