Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Prediction of Surface Water Quality

IJEP 44(4): 360-368 : Vol. 44 Issue. 4 (April 2024)

Shubham Shivhare and Atul Sharma*

Jabalpur Engineering College, Department of Civil Engineering, Jabalpur – 482 011, Madhya Pradesh, India


Accurate prediction of surface water quality is most important task in water resource management and pollution control. Pollution is considered the byproduct of development and urbanization, especially in developing countries, where waste disposal into waterbodies is predominant and also not so advanced. The traditional water quality index calculation method brings difficulty in managing a large amount of data and laborious and time-consuming. We used decision tree (DT) classifier, support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF) classifier algorithms in machine learning for the real-time prediction of water quality of river in this research work, as machine learning models are superior and also handle large dataset effectively and efficiently. Water quality index (WQI) was used as an indicator to define water quality classification. We analyzed five-year monthly data, from 24/04/16 to 02/03/21, of river Narmada at Jamtara sampling station Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India, taking ten important water quality parameters as input. This study aims to find an accurate algorithm and comparison of accuracy of different algorithms used. Results on testing data showed that random forest outperformed with an accuracy of 86.67% compared to support vector machine (75%) and decision tree (66.67%) for the given dataset.


Decision tree classifier, Machine learning, Random forest, Support vector machine, Water quality index


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