Unveiling Fashion’s Environmental Footprint: Exploring Pollution and Sustainability in the Textile Industry

IJEP 44(5): 465-472 : Vol. 44 Issue. 5 (May 2024)

Sunanda Kumari and Rashi Taggar*

Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, School of Business, Faculty of Management, Katra – 182 320, Jammu and Kashmir, India


Fashion has become a significant indicator of living standards, with apparel serving as our chosen skin. However, fashion is ranked the sixth most polluting industry, emitting 2.1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases (GHG) annually. The primary purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the adverse ecological consequences associated with textile industry, including poor working conditions, high pollution levels and throw-away behaviours. This mini-review employs a comprehensive methodology to present an overview of negative aspects of the fashion business and its environmental impact. The methodology encompasses collecting and analyzing data from several sources, such as research studies, industry reports and expert opinions. Key aspects, such as the environmental footprint of the clothing industry, an upsurge of fast fashion and the shift towards sustainable fashion are examined. The review also highlights the adverse ramifications of fashion pollution and emphasizes the imperative of implementing sustainable practices. By synthesizing relevant information, this mini-review offers valuable insights into the environmental challenges posed by the fashion industry and the potential solutions to mitigate its impact.


Environment, Fast-fashion, Pollution, Sustainability, Textile industry


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